Maxilaboris considered an International Reference Center in drug tests
Maxilabor is a toxicological analysis lab, founded in 1999 and the only one in the country having a worldwide recognized Physician Reviewer. All matrices, hair, saliva and urine, are analyzed in the Brazilian territory, in the company’s modern facilities in Vila Olimpia district, São Paulo.
Considered as an International Reference Center in drug tests, Maxilabor provides services of excellence as its management is based on ISO 17025:05 International Standard requirements, being the first lab in this segment to achieve such accreditation (Certificate – CRL 0270).
Reports issued by Maxilabor are accepted abroad, since CGCRE/INMETRO has agreements of mutual recognition with 58 accreditation bodies in 46 countries, which grants accreditation acceptance in all these countries.
With a portfolio of clients including companies performing in several segments, institutions and experts in drug addiction treatment area, Maxilabor is managed by pioneering professionals in implementing the Corporate Program of Drug Abuse Control – CUIDE, in Brazil, which includes Masters and PhDs in Medicine, Pharmacy-Biochemistry, Toxicology, and Toxicological Analyses.