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Drug test is an analysis that identifies and quantifies the presence of psychoactive drugs (whether licit or illicit) in a given biological material. It comprises a set of procedures that include sample collection, performance of toxicological analyses and interpretation of results according to specific standards. The performance of the toxicological analyses is a 4-step process: registration, pre-screening, screening and confirmatory.

What can be detected?

Medicines and licit and illicit drugs, such as for instance, alcohol (EtG), marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, opiates, barbiturates, ecstasy, phencyclidine, mazindole, femproporex, and anfepramone.

When is it applied?

It is largely applied in occupational medicine (admission, dismissal, and functional capacity), in anti-drug programs (learn about our program CUIDE), post-accidents, follow-up and post-treatment (employees on medical-social follow-up).

In addition, it is demanded in some civil service competitive examinations, such as for instance, public security forces (military, federal and civil police, fire brigade, among others); private tests for forensic purposes and/or for family problems; behavioral changes, and clinical follow-up of drug addicts. Also for civil aviation – RBAC 120 and for the Truck Driver Law purposes.

Detection window

Detection window is the period of time that the test is able to detect any drug in the material to be analyzed. There may be small variations according to individual characteristics of each donor and frequency of use.

The table below shows the matrices and the detection window.

HAIR Over one year, depending on hair length
URINE 1 – 4 days
ORAL FLUIDS 0 – 3 days

Detection window per analysis matrix

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